Thursday, January 3, 2013

Nathan Vincent - Crochet for Men

This post is for the guys out there. The guys who love to craft and make amazing things. Guys like Nathan Vincent.

That's right. Crocheted hunting trophies. Awesome, wouldn't you agree? Read more about one of our favorite mancrafters after the jump.

Nathan Vincent is an artist from the Midwest, who learned to crochet granny squares at age ten. Now, he uses crochet to make blurry the lines between a traditional feminine handcraft and items that identify as masculine.

Perhaps my favorite work of his is a 2011 installation titled Locker Room.

It's just so cool. And the detail in the bench is exquisite. Please check out these photos and much more at his website,

And for you men out there who are interested in learning to craft, please check out our Department of Mancraft, for classes created specifically with you in mind.

Have a [Man]Craft-y day!

1 comment:

  1. How funny! I just read an article about this guy:

    but I had no idea how brilliant his work is! ! !
    Thanks for sharing,

